ATS Yardstick Bridge to iMIS
We provide secure, accessible assessment solutions through flexible technology, personalized service, industry expertise, and an extensive infrastructure.
Key Features
- Push users to Yardstick and grant access to exams based on data in iMIS
- Single Sign On
- Write back exam results to iMIS
Use cases
- An organization can set up products or subscriptions in iMIS for exams. At checkout, the system will either create a new user or update an existing user with information from iMIS. A Single Sign On will allow the person to log in to Yardstick through the iMIS login screen. If they are already logged in to iMIS, they will not need to login again. Using Yardstick Webhooks, exam completion (pass or fail) will be written back to an iMIS activity.
- If you have a use case that is not listed or would like additional information, please Contact ATS.