Integrating Sitefinity and iMIS with the ATS Sitefinity iMIS Bridge
The iMIS RiSE platform is a robust content management system that "knows who you are". Some clients have existing websites in Sitefinity or have heavy investments in the Sitefinity platform. For those clients who cannot migrate all content to iMIS, ATS provides the Sitefinity iMIS bridge. This bridge will require some development by your Sitefinity team. It does provide a single sign-on experience using the iMIS username and password. In addition, once you login you are logged in to both Sitefinity and RiSE.
The Bridge to Big Benefits
By integrating iMIS and Sitefinity via the ATS Bridge, you can optimize the value of your Sitefinity platform.
Key Features
- Offer a single sign-on to give members a seamless user experience between Sitefinity and iMIS.
- Pull data from iMIS into Sitefinity based on a token including the following: iMIS ID, prefix, first name, middle name, last name, suffix, designation, full name, email address, ismember, iMIS roles, custom roles (any grouping you want to define in iMIS), and committees.
Supported Use Cases
- Working with your Sitefinity developers, web pages can be restricted based upon information in iMIS. For example, restrict certain pages to members only. When a visitor attempts to view a restricted page, Sitefinity will redirect the person to the ATS single sign-on for the person to authenticate using their iMIS login credentials. Upon successful login, key information is returned to Sitefinity informing Sitefinity whether or not the person should be granted access.
- Data from iMIS can be dynamically displayed with Sitefinity pages and sites. For example, dynamically display the iMIS events calendar within Sitefinity. As events are added/deleted in iMIS, the calendar is automatically updated in both iMIS and Sitefinity accordingly.
- Using the power of IQA, the bridge provides a method for the Sitefinity team to query data in iMIS via an IQA and retrieve the information for display on the Sitefinity page. Any data that can be retrieved via IQA can be displayed within Sitefinity.
- Using the power of IQA, groups can be created in iMIS and then retrieved by your Sitefinity team. For example, you may want to retrieve all conference attendees to provide them access to the post-conference materials. The ATS bridge would allow Sitefinity to see if the person logged in is included in the "conference attendees" group.
- If you have a use case that is not listed or would like additional information, please Contact ATS.