The ATS PSI Bridge:
Providing Integration with the PSI Exam Platform
PSI is the Trusted Choice for High-Stakes Testing
Trusted by governments, certifying bodies and associations, schools,
and Fortune 500 companies, we provide software-as-a-service (SaaS)
solutions for high-stakes testing and assessment globally.
This bridge will allow you to integrate exam testing with iMIS.
Key Features
The ATS PSI Bridge provides integration with PSI and includes:
- Single Sign On With iMIS
- An IQA query to push eligibilities to PSI
- Write back of booking information to iMIS
- Write back of exam results into iMIS. (e.g., test scores)
Supported Use Cases
- It is important to designate in iMIS who is eligible to take an exam. This can be done via an IQA. The IQA can be built to look at certification status, or even exam purchases to see who is eligible take which exams. Then on a scheduled basis, the eligibility data is sent to PSI where the student can then book their exam.
- Once the student books the exam, booking data is written back to iMIS.
- Once the candidate completes the exam, the results of the exam will be written back to a table/panel in iMIS. This includes key pieces of data such as the test score. That data can then be used for reporting or to meet other eligibility requirements. This does not automatically update the certification requirements, but you can work with ATS on options to best use that data to suite your needs.
- If you have a use case that is not listed or would like additional information, please Contact ATS.