ATS Fastcase Bridge for iMIS
Evolve with Smart Legal Software
Fastcase offers a spectrum of legal software tools to equip law professionals with smarter, more efficient solutions.
Key Features
- Provides single sign-on and filtering of who can login to Fastcase
Supported Use Case
- If you allow members to connect to Fastcase as a member benefit, you can use this SSO. If the person is not logged into iMIS, it will require them to login to iMIS. After the person logs in, the bridge will search an IQA to see if the person is in the IQA. If they are, they will be sent on to Fastcase as logged in. If they are not in the IQA they will be sent to a URL specified by you. That URL can encourage membership or provide additional information.
- If you have a use case that is not listed or would like additional information, please Contact ATS.