The ATS Ektron Bridge
The Bridge To Big Benefits
The ATS Ektron/iMIS Bridge was designed allow organizations to leverage their investments in both Ektron and iMIS, while allowing each to perform the functions for which they were primarily designed, without the need for duplicate data entry. iMIS is the premiere association management package, and excels in managing contacts, companies, demographics, events, orders, activities – anything related to the association’s interaction with its membership. Ektron is a premiere content management system, and excels in managing content and providing social networking tools. With the iMIS/Ektron bridge, you can quickly and easily combine the two systems and provide simplified, unified online experience for your end-users.
The Bridge performs one primary function: it allows the association to manage all data about a person in iMIS, while making available enough information about that person to Ektron so that it can be effective in managing content, social networking, and personalization. The Bridge replaces the standard Ektron ASP.NET membership provider with a custom iMIS membership provider so that the out-of-the-box ASP.NET or Ektron login controls can be used to authenticate users for the Ektron system, based on their existing login data in iMIS. The Bridge also manages the user’s group memberships in Ektron based on criteria defined in iMIS.