Check-In Module for iMIS
Want to create a more efficient check-in process utilizing bar codes? We can solve it.
Use iMIS and barcode scanner technology to facilitate check-ins and instantly verify
information. It's inexpensive, easy to install and easier to operate.
Who can use this?
- For check-in at facilities or off-site meetings/events including:
- Organizations that conduct conferences or continuing education
- Groups with on-site check-in: churches, daycares, gyms, etc.
Instantly identify and verify
- Rapid processing and check-in
- Utilizing barcode scanner technology
- No further keyboard or mouse actions needed
- Instant I.D. and visual (photo) verification
- Member info automatically displayed onscreen at check-in
- Activity automatically tracked and reported
Useful additional features
- Look up feature allows staff to check-in individuals who have forgotten their membership
- Wave files to notify staff of key events at check-in such as:
- Member’s birthdays
- Notification of delinquent dues
More Information
Contact us with comments, questions or to request a quote.