The ATS American Tradeshow Services Bridge: Improve Your Event Experience

American Tradeshow Services provides technology solutions to conferences and tradeshows with an emphasis on service.

A seamless integration of event technologies into clients existing processes

American Tradeshow Services provides a range of services to help manage events including Event Registration, FastTrackā„¢ Auto Badge Print System, Lead Retrieval, Tracking Technology, and Mobile Event Apps.

The ATS American Tradeshow Services Bridge provides read access to iMIS. The bridge will pull event registrants and their data including badge information, additional badges, and ticketed functions from iMIS.

Key Features

  • Single sign on with iMIS when registering at American Tradeshow Service
  • Ability to pull registrants from iMIS into American Tradeshow Services
  • Ability for American Tradeshow Services to create activities in iMIS
  • Ability for American Tradeshow Services to lookup people in iMIS

Use Cases

  • If you wish to perform registration in iMIS, American Tradeshow Services can pull the list of registrants from iMIS. This can include contact information from iMIS as well as what they register for. This data is pulled from an IQA and can include other demographics or information about the person including ribbons and ticketed items.
  • If you wish to perform registration at American Tradeshow Services, American Tradeshow Services can redirect the person to the iMIS login screen where they can login. After the login, American Tradeshow Services has access to the contact information and any other demographics about the person. For example, whether they are a member or not to drive the correct pricing.
  • If you have a use case that is not listed or would like additional information, please Contact ATS.

Easy Does It: Integration Made Simple

The ATS methodology for bridges uses the iMIS API's to achieve the results you expect from a world-class integration. We work closely with third-party partners to use their API's in the most efficient manner. We pride ourselves on building integrations that work on many versions of iMIS. This means that when you upgrade iMIS the bridges will continue to work without having to be rewritten.

The results of this methodology include:

  • Compatibility with all versions of iMIS (unless otherwise noted) using the appropriate iMIS API's that work best with your version of iMIS.
  • The flexibility of on-premise or hosted models for the software.
  • Easy set-up and one-time configuration including installation services from ATS.


Navigating the Choice Between QR Code and Passive RFID Tracking for Your Event

Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Presenter: Paul Bremond, Senior Director, American Tradeshow Services
Moderator: Richard Banks, Sales Manager

In today's digital era, event organizers face the crucial decision of choosing between QR code and passive RFID tracking systems. This presentation will delve into the strengths and limitations of both technologies, exploring their practical applications in event management. Join us as we analyze the factors that can help you make an informed decision tailored to the unique needs and dynamics of your event.

Watch the Recording in the ATS Learning Center Download the Webinar Slides