National Change of Address

The ATS NCOA system is a standalone .NET application which allows for seamless integration with the NCOA (National Change of Address) database.

The application uses the .NET iMIS Business Objects to export and read in address changes and updates. In addition address corrections will be automatically updated and logged in iMIS.

This innovative system is a low cost method for iMIS users to update their database with accurate address information. Please review the product brochure for more details about this time saving product.

Notice: As of November 23rd, 2008 the USPS requires address change software.

Move Update & What You Need to Know

What is the Move Update Requirement?

The new Move Update requirement that goes into effect November 23, 2008 requires addresses on all presorted First-Class Mail® and Standard Mail® be updated within 95 days before the mailing date with a USPS-approved method. Read More... 

NCOALink is one of the approved methods for updating addresses. The update standard applies to each address, not to a specific list or mailing.

While many organizations feel that their mail houses will apply updates to their lists, this process does NOT subsequently update their iMIS database.

The ATS National Change of Address NCOA Update Utility for iMIS is a cutting-edge application that allows the user to easily integrate changes from the USPS NCOA system with their iMIS customer address data. The application uses the iMIS Business Objects to ensure accurate, full updates of address changes, and will trigger change logging during the import process (if enabled within iMIS). Use of this utility requires that the organization own the eCustomer module.

System Requirements:

  • This application includes an installer. It requires a license to the Customer .NET iMIS Business Object
  • This application requires that the .NET 2.0 framework be installed.
  • This application requires a license to the NCOA database service through ATS
  • Own the ecustomer module or iMIS 15 public views

For more information and pricing please request a quote at your convenience.

Download a pdf 
